2013年12月17日 星期二

[其他] Youtube ads

原來Youtube 也能放置廣告


Enable and disable ads on my videos

You can submit a video for monetization and enable ads in two ways from within your YouTube account.
Enable ads on your videos
Upon Upload:
1.As your video uploads, click the "Monetization" tab on the upload page and click the "Monetize my video" check box.
2.Select which ad formats you want to enable for your video. To learn more about the different options available, click the "?" icons next to each ad format.
3.Click the "Save changes" button.
4.Your video will go through a standard review process before ads begin to appear. You may be asked to submit information proving you own all necessary commercial use rights to any or all content in your video. Note that if you enable monetization at the time of upload and your video is set to private or unlisted, it will remain so and without ads until you make it public.
After Upload:
From your channel Video Manager:
1.Locate your video.
2.Click the "Edit" or "$" button next to your video.
3.On the "Monetization" tab of the video editor, click the "Monetize my video" check box.
4.Select which ad formats you want to enable for your video. To learn more about the different options available, click the "?" icons next to each ad format.
5.Click the "Save changes" button.
6.Your video will go through a standard review process before ads begin to appear. You may be asked to submit information proving you own all necessary commercial use rights to any or all content in your video. Note that if you enable monetization at the time of upload and your video is set to private or unlisted, it will remain so and without ads until you make it public.

Note that you may also enable monetization for multiple videos at once.
Disable ads on your videos
1.Locate your video within the "Monetized Videos" view in your account.
2.On the "Monetization" tab of the video editor, uncheck the "Monetize my video" check box.
3.Click the "Save changes" button.

YouTube Partners: Guide to setting up your account
A guide for new YouTube partners to help you learn about setting up your account

成為 YouTube 合作夥伴的必要條件

如果您的 YouTube 頻道符合以下條件,您就有資格加入 YouTube 合作夥伴計劃:
•計劃已在您的國家/地區啟用;** (如果計劃未在您的國家/地區推出,則在營利設定中便會顯示通知。)
•影片內容必須遵守 YouTube 的《服務條款》與《社群指南》。
•音樂 (包含翻唱歌曲、歌詞和背景音樂)
•圖像和相片 (包括攝影和藝術作品)
•現場表演 (包含演唱會、體育活動和表演)

YouTube 合作夥伴: 著作權的基本了解

成為 YouTube 合作夥伴

成為合作夥伴很簡單:只要帳戶符合資格,就能加入 YouTube 合作夥伴計劃。
2.如果帳戶紀錄良好,且營利功能之前未曾遭到停用,請按一下 [啟用我的帳戶]。
3.按照系統指示接受《YouTube 營利協議》。
您必須至少有一部影片通過營利申請,才有機會成為 YouTube 合作夥伴,並獲得各種晉升及技巧培訓的機會。
請注意:您可能曾經申請成為合作夥伴,但這項申請規定現在已經取消 (土耳其、俄羅斯、義大利或烏克蘭等地的使用者除外)。詳情請見 youtube.com/yt/partners/zh-TW/index.html。

